Michael D. Toote , BA, MA, LLB(hons), LLM, PhD, MCIArb, JP
Dr. Toote is a Counsel & Attorney – at- Law called to the Bar of England and Wales and the Bahamas. He is competent in matters of criminal & civil law with specialisms in Advance Civil Litigation and Family Law. An avid proponent of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Dr. Toote is a member of the London Chartered Institute of Arbritrators with specialty in Family and Commercial Mediation. He holds the doctorate in Society and Justice Issues from Drew University. As a consultant in Loss and Recovery Management, Toote develops programs suited for diverse clients based on their felt needs.
As an administrator of over thirty (30) years experience managing human resources and resolving inter-group conflicts, Dr. Toote has distinguished himself as a committed resolver.
An academic of longstanding, Dr. Toote has conducted conferences and seminars throughout the Caribbean, the United States and the UK. Concerned with issues affecting the inner city, Toote has developed a grief support model to victims and survivors of violence in New Providence. He is the author of two books, namely, ‘The Successful Life NOW: 12 Secrets of the Ages Unfolded’ and ‘Capital Punishment in the Bahamas and the Privy Council’s Moratorium’.